Artistic & Religious Culture & Heritage - Turkey

Şehit Halil İbrahim Yıldırım AİHL Erasmus + Project

This route shows some highlights in Islamic heritage. We will be able to see the reflections of Islamic communities that have been in this geography at different times on religious architecture, art and culture. We can divide the works in this route into two as temporal and functional. Temporally; It will be possible to see the differences and developments on the architectural works built before the Ottoman Empire in three different periods, the classical and late periods during the Ottoman period. As for functionality; mosque (worship), palace and dervish lodge (religious education and living space). In this case, we can see the reflections of the religion of Islam on life from a different perspective. As a result, thanks to these Islamic works; It is possible to understand the reflections of the religion of Islam on life with different cultural values at different times and to see it concretely.

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This website is developed for Şehit Halil İbrahim Yıldırım AİHL Erasmus+ project